Rembuk Stunting Kota Malang Tahun 2022

#repost @bappedakotamalang Aksi Konvergensi Percepatan Penurunan Stunting Kota Malang, melalui rembuk Stunting, acara ini diselenggarakan oleh, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Malang, di ijen suit hotel (05/09/2022). WaliKota Malang, telah menetapkan peraturan tentang Anggaran Belanja Kelurahan, dalam rangka optimalisasi penggunaan anggaran belanja agar sesuai dengan arah kebijakan pusat dan daerah.

Konvergensi merupakan pendekatan penyampaian intervensi yang dilakukan secara terakomodir, terintegrasi, dan bersama-sama untuk mencegah stunting kepada sasaran prioritas. Dalam hal ini hadir sebagai narasumber Walikota Malang, wakil walikota malang dan Kepala Bappeda Kota Malang.



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  1. I was studying with my friends and I could not finish it clearly, but my mom recommended this article. This article is very helpful for me. I will recommend it to my friends when I go to work tomorrow. 토토사이트

    • dav on 23 Februari 2023 at 23.25
    • Balas

    The “Rembuk Stunting Kota Malang” event is likely to be a forum for stakeholders to discuss strategies and initiatives to address stunting in the city of Malang.

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  2. Stakeholders are anticipated to discuss methods and measures to address stunting in the city of Malang at the “Rembuk Stunting Kota Malang” event.

  3. This essay is extremely helpful for me. I’ll share it

  4. I am doing a study and the content is related to this topic. Evaluation of large-scale stunting interventions in Indonesia has never been carried out, because it found limited sensitive and specific interventions that were carried out massively at the village level. The provincial government of South Sulawesi Indonesia in 2020 has implemented a stunting intervention model called Gammarana. The purpose of this evaluation is to analyze the impact of Gammarana on changes in stunting at the project site. Location project as many as 30 villages with an estimated 60,000 units population. Thank for share this post

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